A conversation you can only have with someone who lived it with you
FlyingJ: chinese food smelling no AC B train
Joe: haha eww
FlyingJ: grand street
Joe: running onto the train for a seat
FlyingJ: express to bay parkway
Joe: no manhattan bound service
FlyingJ: no stairs at 18th ave
Joe: oh yeah
FlyingJ: the pee/tony block
Joe: the bird poop area
FlyingJ: softener?
Joe: haha
FlyingJ: hehe rehab
Joe: dunkin donuts
FlyingJ: you are the best!
Joe: waldbaum's
FlyingJ: dragging the ghetto cart up the stairs
Joe: the car port
FlyingJ: man vito
Joe: mama and papa vito
FlyingJ: "you have-a the checcccck?"
Joe: bottles bottlesssssss
FlyingJ: how's the water, how's the water?
Joe: mouse traps smell like bananas, and they smell like bananas
FlyingJ: noo noo noo noo
Joe: the hole in the ceiling
FlyingJ: the aftershock
Joe: ralph in his underwear sleeping


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