Cut off from the outside world
My AIM at work is broken. We have company-wide IM and through it you could also log on to AIM. Now, whenever someone on AIM tries to message me, it causes my IM program to close so I can’t see what they said. So that’s why I haven’t been on lately. I can’t tell if it’s a bug or if it’s intentional, but it’s annoying either way. I don’t abuse my IM privileges. Besides, I come from the multi-task generation… IMing and being online aren't what negatively impact my productivity. Being burnt out and bored are. Regardless of how much I have to do.

This week has been fun. We wrapped up a huge project and rolled it out to an appreciative audience. Today my boss took the project team out to lunch and we bonded over a Chinese buffet. He also informed me he is giving me a mini bonus for my role in the project.

Speaking of mini, the mini bagel was still there this morning. I hope the gods are appeased.


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