Niiice, it's Friday. I wish it was another long weekend. I think I'm going to try to reinvigorate the push for the 4 day work week. I think it was France that recently gave up the 35 hour week and adopted the 40 hour week because they weren't competing in the global market. That saddens me; the French are supposed to be the last bastions of leisure. They should be standing up for a person's right to sit in a cafe, smoke unfiltered cigarettes, and have four glasses of wine with lunch. Then again, the French don't stand up for much of anything, so I shouldn't be surprised. Do countries like Spain and Italy still take siestas? How come Americans can't have that? I'd love to take a nap after lunch, except I sure as hell wouldn't want to go back to work afterwards. It would be great if we could move to a structure where you'd work 20 hours a week but then you'd also be required to spend time on a hobby. Like, you'd have to register your hobby, or hobbies, and actually pursue them. Reading, painting, gardening, photography, whatever it is. Money would seem to be barrier but I'm sure we could fix that by redistributing wealth and rescaling the world economy. Not so difficult, right?
Foodwise I have sucked the last couple of days. I do well all day at work, avoiding bad things in the caf as well as the cake that seems to appear at least twice a week, and then I get home and lose control, which sucks because its only like what, 4 more hours I need to get through, 3 if I go to the gym? I have to either eat more during the day or have something late in the afternoon so I don't get home and realize I'm starving. This stuff is a bitch... wouldn't you think that someone who is actually motivated to work out would have an easier time with the food? I would... the exercise always seemed like the hardest part. Whores. The diet gods who prevent me from seeing better results are WHORES!
Foodwise I have sucked the last couple of days. I do well all day at work, avoiding bad things in the caf as well as the cake that seems to appear at least twice a week, and then I get home and lose control, which sucks because its only like what, 4 more hours I need to get through, 3 if I go to the gym? I have to either eat more during the day or have something late in the afternoon so I don't get home and realize I'm starving. This stuff is a bitch... wouldn't you think that someone who is actually motivated to work out would have an easier time with the food? I would... the exercise always seemed like the hardest part. Whores. The diet gods who prevent me from seeing better results are WHORES!