Mike: Oh my GOD....fucking Boston! Who made the deal with Satan to get every single New England team to be unreal????
Me: Belichick… John Henry… Danny Ainge?
Mike: Mark my words… the Celtics will win the championship this year
Mike: So the sox, Patriots (if they can beat my beloved 6-1 Packers), and Celtics should all win.
Me: Oh honey
Me: I'm sorry to have to say this, but the Pats would destroy the pack.
Mike: Destroy the pack, eh? OK—what’s the bet?
Me: Whatever you want; I'll take any bet.
Mike: Hmmmmm… I will think about this one
Mike: Got it.
Me: OK, tell me.
Mike: Winner has to send a Patriots/Packer shirt/onesie for the loser’s baby to wear and have posted online.
Mike: I already have a Favre jersey onesie.
Me: Sure. What size, 18 months?
Mike: That would work.
Me: I'll go out and buy it today!
Mike: hahahaha
Me: I won't even keep the receipt!
Mike: hahahaha
Me: hehehe
Mike: Your bravado will be your downfall!!!!
You are going to burn in the flames left by Brett's pass as the velocity is scorching!!!!
Viva los quesos de cabeza!!!!!
At least now I have a tiny reason to care about football.
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