Someone's got to break the cycle, but it's not going to be me!
What did you do over the weekend?
Kept it pretty low key. Friday night Red came over for calzones and a Dane fix. Saturday we went off on one of our random driving adventures. This one took us up Rte. 125 into New Hampshire. We tooled around UNH, drove up to Durham Point, stopped at a café in Exeter, and came home through Hampton Beach. Very random and fun. Yesterday morning we went food shopping early in the morning, came home, gave Olivia a bath, and all took naps. Last night we did exactly what you should not do on Sunday night: sat around, did laundry, and groused about having to go to work today.

What did you last cook?
I wouldn’t call it cooking, but the last thing I chucked into the oven was pierogies and chicken tenders.

What is your salad dressing of choice?
At home, Ken’s Italian with Aged Romano. Out, I love Chili’s avocado ranch.

What is your favorite restaurant?
Dali in Somerville – godDAMN that honey-fried cheese is good. Camp in Meredith, NH – bonus points for getting the ambiance just right. The Hardcover up the road in Danvers for amazing steak. Fresh City – good, and good for you.

What is your favorite ice cream place?
Richardson’s. Homemade ice cream, mini golf, batting cages, and a driving range, five minutes from my house? What’s not to love?

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
On a regular pie, pepperoni. On a fancy pie, spinach, prosciutto, and fresh tomato are good. On a white pie, there has to be ricotta in addition to mozzarella.

What is your favorite type of gum?
Orbit Mint Mojito is good.

Number of contacts in your cell phone?

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

Is love for real?
OK, we were talking about this the other day. I am a skeptic when it comes to romantic love and people’s expectations of it. It’s lovely at first but it isn’t sustainable. Passion fades—it’s meant to—and what’s left is how you treat one another every day. I look to my grandparents to see what love is. They’ve been married for 60 years. Love is making sure your 87-year-old husband eats a whole banana per day, not just half.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I wouldn't. I give all the names I like to my imaginary future children.

Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000?
OK. No press though.

Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
Der, yes.

Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Er, no. Especially not if I’ve already walked naked down the street.

Would you never blog again for $50,000?

Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
Exactly: what magazine? And yes, there will be retouching?

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I’m leaning towards yes. It would suck but $1000 is $1000.

Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
Whose life? I feel like I could be talked into this one.

Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?
Yes. That would be a very interesting experiment. I’d be far healthier for it, mentally and physically. Of course, nobody is offering me $25,000, so I guess it’s back to rotting my brain with The Two Coreys and Scott Baio is 45 and Single.

Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
Totally – clever and offbeat is the best kind of humor. You try making something so absurd appeal to a mass audience. Plus, it’s eminently quotable.

Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?

Could you live with roommates?
God, roommates. I wouldn’t want to but I guess I could. It’d be fine if we each had our own kitchen, bathroom, and TV. But I guess that would make us neighbors.

My favorite one is fall, if that’s the question.

Where were you at 6 AM today?
Cuddling Olivia and watching BBC World News.

Where were you at 9 AM?
That’s right now. I’m doing this.

Where were you at noon?
That’s in the future. I guess we’ll never know.

Are there any friendships you regret losing?
There are a few I wish I had given more time to, so we wouldn’t have to be like, “Hey! It’s been forever! We suck,” whenever we got around to talking, but you know, people are busy.

Are there any relationships you regret losing?
No. I wish I still talked to a couple, in part because I’m nosy about their lives but also because I think we could be friends, but whatever.

Are there any games you regret losing?
There is still an aching, bitter place in my heart for this one game of Uno that went horribly, horribly wrong. I was up by like 300 points and I LOST the championship hand when my friend kept slapping me with reverse, reverse, reverse, skip, skip, skip, skip, draw two, draw two, draw two, draw two, wild draw FOUR, uno!, dead. And yes, we do enjoy Uno tournaments. Shut up.

Are there any people you regret sleeping with?
No. The fact that I met Joe so young makes me glad I got in as much experience as I did. If anything, I wish I’d slept with more people.

What can you not wait to do?
Go home.

What's the last movie you saw?
Mean Girls. It was on TBS last night.

Are you a friendly person?
Yes, dammit.


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