Have a great summer! Never change!
You know how you look back at your old yearbook and there's all this stuff under your picture, initials and events and inside jokes all written in code and shit, and you can't remember what half of it means anymore? Here's that about this weekend, and there are only 3 of us who can decipher it:

Crap why are 93 and 95 and 128 all the same road? Here's my brief yet pointed message... POINTED?! "There's the guy... oh it's a lady!" WAFFLE CONE. FrooT buzz. Kristen, are you okay? Joe the restaurant manager: "I'll fix it. I'm fixing it right now." Who is that guy singing Roy Orbison like Elvis? Double Love. Juvenile delinquents and beatniks and reefer, oh my! Quoth the ape, "Ding!" Elf riders on the storm. Too tired to go upstairs? Take an elf rider! "Do you write 'See me'?" Reel Leverage... reel funny. Carbo's? I thought it was Cabo's! "I roam the bum." Kelsey + Trent 4eva! BJ - LYLAS! Never forget SJ, LJ, JD. Love ya!


Blogger Red said...

I decided to leave you a pointed comment. I'm doing it right now. It's already done.

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