Today's the day! ...or NOT
Today's my due date and I'm at work. There's something so wrong about that, but here I am. I had a feeling it was going to be like this. I anticipated that she would be late - first babies often are, and I was late by 17 days. I knew that my nature would compel me to keep doing everything normal until the very last second and then wish later that I'd taken it easy. I expect to go to my appointment tomorrow and be told that I haven't made any meaningful progress towards labor. What happens after that... I guess we'll see.

I toyed with the idea of taking this week off, but I couldn't convince myself there was a good enough reason to. There have been contractors in my house all week. And there's nothing to do. I'm too uncomfortable to go shopping. It's too gross and humid to go for walks. There's no way to stockpile rest, so I can't force it. Of course I'd love to decorate and organize the nursery, but we're not talking about that.

So, our group of (young, awesome, brilliant, kickass) girls at work started taking bets about when it would be. The guesses so far are Friday 7/14, Sunday 7/16 and Tuesday 7/18. I didn't guess, because I have even less of a clue than they do. If you're getting a good feeling about a particular day, let me know what it is.


Blogger Joe said...

Even though she seems like she doesn't want to come out, eventually she will and we will love her to death. But my guess? Let's say Wednesday 7/19, a week from her due date.

Blogger Red said...

I'm back home and selfishly glad I didn't miss the big day. I'm putting in my vote for Tuesday... or is this like the Price is Right, where if you undershoot it you automatically lose? In that case, my guess is for Wednesday as well, one minute after Joe's predicted time.

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