Aww, look at that little face. Olivia is getting so good at holding her head up, although she treats tummy time as if it were torture. She whines, kicks her legs, sticks her bum in the air, and always flings one arm behind her. Eventually she puts her cheek down in defeat and cries.
Her eyes are beginning to change color, little strands of gold filigree appearing in the gray. We can’t tell yet which direction they’re heading. I found an eye color predictor that gave 50% odds of brown or hazel. Helpful, thanks.
She’s got a well-established routine these days. She takes six 4.5 oz bottles a day, at 7:30, 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, and 11:00ish. Her napping habits vary; some days she takes several, other days none. She’s usually in good spirits in the morning and early afternoon, gets fussier between 6:00-8:00 p.m., falls asleep, and usually needs to be roused for her last bottle. After the last feeding she goes into the swaddle and sleeps all night long. Most mornings she stays asleep until we are ready to leave for work.
At Olivia’s last well-baby checkup she was 12 lbs, 13 oz and 23 inches long: 95th percentile for both height and weight. She’s on a size cusp, starting to outgrow 0-3 but not really in 3-6 yet. Soon she will be in size 2 diapers. I remember when the N size was big on her tiny butt.
And she talks. Low-pitched coos from deep in her throat, high-pitched happy coos from the roof of her mouth, full-on laughs, experimental sounds that make her cough. It’s awesome. There’s nothing better than driving along and hearing “Oooo, ooooahhh, gooooo, ooooguh!” from the backseat. She’s growing beautifully. We are so lucky.
Our next child is sure to be a monster.
Or a boy!
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