Mmm. Tastes like VD!
This weekend Red came over to hang out. She was telling us about "rainbow parties," which are yet another way for teenage girls to participate in the degradation of their self esteem. Rainbow parties involve a bunch of girls putting on different shades of lipstick and then blowing the same guy, leaving rings of pink and red, and thus creating a crappy facsimile of a rainbow-from-hell.

Why do girls DO this kind of crap? There is nothing even remotely appealing about being fifth in line to smoke some pubescent boy's scrawny pole. And, almost more importantly, how have the boys managed to finagle this deal? Why have the girls not demanded an equivalent?

My idea: fruit salad parties. Give each boy a different fruity flavor of Bonne Bell Lip Smackers and then have them go down on one girl. By the last poor schmuck, the flavors will mix and it will taste just like fruit fucking salad. And beer. And all your buddies. Nice.


Blogger Red said...

By "telling you about" did you mean "is now hosting"?

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