++@@@@++Get PENILE ENHANCEMENT!++@@@@++
I get a bunch of spam emails in my work email. A lot of them are like fake press releases about stocks, and some of them are gibberish. But today, I received an urgent missive from deeply invested party on behalf of the furry ones among us.

The subject line read: Well, I would like to humbly proclaim that both of these time-lasting problems could be solved with one easy solution.

Tell me more, O Humble One. I am shamefully ignorant of the time-lasting problems of which you speak. Educate me.

I was wondering if many of you have noticed the same dirty trend going on?

In it, she tackles that great bugaboo in the world of animal ethology: whether the furry ones among us have emotions. As a bonus, such a convention would help scientists from different disciplines, such as ethology and psychology, share theories and speak a common language. Karl Grammer, director of the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology at the University of Vienna, Austria, said the researchers were
And that’s it. Cut off mid-sentence. The suspense is killing me! What have the researchers found out about? DO the furry ones have emotions? What, pray tell, is the one easy solution?

Most importantly: have you, my friends, noticed the same dirty trend? Only we can help solve the great bugaboo. We must answer the call to action and remain vigilant; the future of animal ethology may depend on it.

Thank you for your time.


Blogger Red said...

You should submit this to the higher-ups at you-know-what-company and see if they want to run with it. Maximizing Knowledge Management of Furry Ones? I mean, there's already vendor potential - PETA could sponsor. And in today's turbulent economy it's really relevant and high-impact that the researchers were able to uncover the shocking truth about

Blogger Greg said...

I've been getting e-mails lately for a product that supposedly "increases sperm volume." But it wasn't for fertility purposes; they're making it sound really dirty. Does more sperm make the event more enjoyable? Should I be worried about the volume of my sperm?

I'm so confused.

Blogger Melissa said...

Maybe it would tickle?

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