What is your name spelled backwards?JgniylF
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?
Not yet, but I’m intrigued. If you were offering a 9 volt in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other, my tongue would have quite a dilemma.
What is the type of music you dislike the most?Generic bullshit like Nickelback. And James Blunt.
How do people misspell your name?
Two Ls, one S.
How do people mispronounce your name?They don’t. Although sometimes people on the phone mishear it as Martha. I correct them immediately and indignantly, as I would fairly die if someone thought my parents named me Martha.
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?Any restaurant where they let you sit is OK by me, but The Hardcover is outstanding.
When was the last time you swam in a pool?
I think it was last summer, on the Cape.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?Not anymore. A few years ago I totally would’ve, but now all I can think of is the baby and what a foolish risk it would be.
Have you ever run away from home?
I threatened to once, but I was missing the point.
Me: I hate you! I’m running away!
Mom & Dad: That’s too bad. Where are you going to go?
Me: Brian’s!
In your family, are you the oldest, younger, or middle child?I'm the oldest.
Has a bird ever pooped on your head?Not on my head, but one got me on the leg of my shorts the first time I went to Long Island to meet Joe’s extended family. That was great.
Have you ever pulled an all nighter?Once, yeah. Fall semester freshman year I had a paper due in my Sociological Statistics class. The whole thing was totally confusing to me – a paper? In math? I stayed up all night struggling to use this ridiculous software that came with the book, and I generated some bullshit tables, and wrote 5 pages of crap to support them, and I finished at 7:30 and my class was at 9:40 and I probably should have showered and gone to breakfast, but instead I lay in bed with a pounding headache and barely dragged myself to class. I got a D on the paper.
What's your favorite comic strip?
Foxtrot. Them’s funny.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?Noooooooooooo.
Orange juice or apple?
Orange juice primarily. But cloudy apple juice is yummy when you’re in the mood.
Do you enjoy Nascar...watching cars go around and around a big track?
No. And while we’re being specific, NASCAR is an acronym.
Did you have braces, and were you self-conscious?I never had braces, but I was self-conscious. They are mutually exclusive conditions.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
Last summer. My friend grew cherry tomatoes in her yard and gave us some. Delish.
Favorite arcade game?For me, there is only skee-ball.
Ever ordered from an infomercial?I ordered the Pure Moods CD that way. I believe I was visiting friends at Northeastern, and that I was drunk. I’m glad I have it, though. It has “The Promise” by Michael Nyman, which I first heard on the Real World San Francisco (I didn’t find out until years later that it featured prominently in The Piano, kind of like Harvey Keitel’s penis) and have always thought was beautiful.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?Never a full uniform with polyester pants and a funny hat, but I did have to wear a teal blue vest when I worked at Walgreens, a black jacket with STAFF on the back when I worked at Bob’s Stores, and a red and white checked apron when I worked at Bath & Body Works.
Ever thrown up in public?I horked at Canobie Lake Park once when I was a kid. Even in my drunkiest days, I don’t think I ever puked in front of people* or in a public place. Unless you guys remember something I don’t.
*Even on that horrible ride home from New Hampshire I had my head buried in a Hannaford bag.
Have you broken any bones?Nope.
What message is on your voice mail?
Nothing fun. My best message was in college. Lionel Richie crooning, “Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?
Would you change your last name if you became famous?Unlikely.
Would you change your last name if you got married?
Yes. I thought it would be nice to go from an 11-letter last name that nobody could pronounce to a 5-letter one… which it turns out people still don’t know how to pronounce.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?Yes, but not in all circumstances. I have all the sympathy in the world when something unexpectedly bad comes into the life of a person who makes smart choices and does the right thing, but when people willingly or consciously put themselves in situations that are avoidable or stupid, I don’t.
Do you consider love a mistake?Not at all.
What kind of backpack do you have, and what's in it?I don’t. I haven’t had a backpack since high school.
Do you have an alias?
Nope. FlyingJ 5-Letter Last Name is on my driver’s license.
Do you have a recurring dream?I used to have tons of dreams about trains and train tunnels. Not so much anymore.
Are you easygoing or overbearing?
I am either, depending on what you are.
Are you disciplined or lazy?I can be disciplined in spurts or about certain things, but lazy is the norm.
Are you generally happy or sad?Generally happy... but those pregnancy hormones love to fuck with you.
What were you like as a kid? Are you still like that now?
I was a smarty-pants know-it-all tomboy with no use for a girly little sister. I’m no longer a tomboy and I love my sister, but I’m still a smarty-pants know-it-all.
Would you rather have guys or girls as friends?
I have mostly girls as friends, and the guys I’m friends with are either Joe’s friends or my friends’ significant others. So, both, but I seem to only be good at befriending girls.
What movie will you defend to the death, despite its unpopularity?
Star Wars. Just give it a chance!
What movie does everyone love but you hated?The Matrix
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?Sometimes you have no alternative.
Anything else to say?
Since the transportation industry is never going to give us more leg room, I’d just prefer that airplane and bus seats not recline. I like to cross my legs. I don’t need to sit at an obtuse angle. I don’t enjoy a random guy’s dandruffy head in my lap. That is all.